Paragraph discussing OttoLearn's right to change terms at any time has been modified to clarify the notification process and provided wording to raise a dispute against the change in terms.
Definition of "Fee Schedule" modified.
Definition of "Service" modified.
Definition of "Subscriber" modified to clarify that the agreement is between the organization and OttoLearn.
Clause 3. Your Obligations modified to clarify that this is the entire agreement.
Clause 3.2 under Your Obligations modified to clarify that each account is owned by a specific organization.
Clause 3.3 under Your Obligations modified to clarify issuing of notices upon changes to the terms.
Clause 3.6 under Your Obligations modified to clarify content restrictions.
Clause 3.7 under Your Obligations modified to clarify indemnity rights.
Clause 5.2 under Intellectual Property modified to clarify that we can only use your data for the purposes of providing you the service.
Clause 5.3 under Intellectual Property modified to remove duplicated term limiting OttoLearn's liability for data loss.
Clause 5.4 under Intellectual Property modified to clarify that we can only use your data for the purposes of providing you the service.
Clause 6.1 under Intellectual Property modified to clarify that OttoLearn is responsible for complying with applicable laws in relation to your data.
Clause 6.2 under Intellectual Property modified to clarify that any use of aggregate data must also be anonymized and in compliance with the CCPA.
Clause 7.1, "Authority," under Warranties and Acknowledgements has been removed.
Clause 7.1 (previously 7.2) under Warranties and Acknowledgements modified to clarify access rights.
Clause 8. Limitation of Liability modified to clarify OttoLearn's term related to negligence to include applicable laws.
Clause 8.4 under Limitation of Liability modified to include a reference to the CCPA and related terms.
Clause 9.3 under Termination modified to fix a reference to the contract period.
Clause 11.9 under General modified to specify the legal jurisdiction to be Ontario, Canada for Canadian clients, and Delaware, USA for all other Clients.